Chapter 2: SSA analysis of one-dimensional time series, Sections 2.1 — 2.7

Here you can find the code listings in R language from the corresponding chapter of the book.

You need to load Rssa, ssabook, lattice, latticeExtra, plyr, fma to run these examples.


  1. Chapter 2: SSA analysis of one-dimensional time series, Sections 2.1 — 2.7
    1. Fragments 2.1.1 (‘Australian Wines’: Input) and 2.1.2 (‘FORT’: Reconstruction)
      1. Produced output
    2. Fragment 2.1.3 (‘FORT’: Identification)
      1. Produced output
    3. Fragment 2.2.1 (Noisy sinusoid: Toeplitz SSA)
      1. Produced output
    4. Fragment 2.2.2 (Simulation: comparison of Toeplitz and Basic SSA)
      1. Produced output
    5. Fragment 2.3.1 (‘CO2’: SSA with projection)
      1. Produced output
    6. Fragment 2.3.2 (Polynomial trend: SSA with projection)
      1. Produced output
    7. Fragment 2.4.1 (Noisy sum of three sinusoids: Iterative O-SSA)
      1. Produced output
    8. Fragment 2.4.2 (Noisy sum of three sinusoids: Iterative O-SSA, summary)
      1. Produced output
    9. Fragment 2.4.3 (Dependence of iossa error on difference between frequencies)
      1. Produced output
    10. Fragment 2.5.1 (Separation of two sine waves with equal amplitudes)
      1. Produced output
    11. Fragment 2.6.1 (Decomposition for series with a gap)
      1. Produced output
    12. Fragment 2.6.2 (Incomplete decomposition for a series with a gap)
      1. Produced output
    13. Fragment 2.7.1 (‘White dwarf’: Auto grouping by clustering)
      1. Produced output
    14. Fragment 2.7.2 (‘Production’: Auto grouping by frequency analysis)
      1. Produced output

Fragments 2.1.1 (‘Australian Wines’: Input) and 2.1.2 (‘FORT’: Reconstruction)

data("AustralianWine", package = "Rssa")
wine <- window(AustralianWine, end = time(AustralianWine)[174])
fort <- wine[, "Fortified"]
s.fort <- ssa(fort, L = 84, kind = "1d-ssa")
r.fort <- reconstruct(s.fort, 
                      groups = list(Trend = 1,
                                    Seasonality = 2:11))
plot(r.fort, add.residuals = TRUE, add.original = TRUE,
     plot.method = "xyplot",
     superpose = TRUE, auto.key = list(columns = 2))

Produced output

Reconstruction ‘FORT’: Decomposition.

Fragment 2.1.3 (‘FORT’: Identification)

plot(s.fort, type = "vectors", idx = 1:8)
plot(s.fort, type = "paired", idx = 2:11, plot.contrib = FALSE)
print(parestimate(s.fort, groups = list(2:3, 4:5), 
                  method = "pairs"))
plot(wcor(s.fort, groups = 1:30),
          scales = list(at = c(10, 20, 30)))
plot(reconstruct(s.fort, groups = list(G12 = 2:3, G4 = 4:5, 
                                       G6 = 6:7, G2.4 = 8:9)), 
     plot.method = "xyplot", layout = c(2, 2), 
     add.residuals = FALSE, add.original = FALSE)

Produced output

   period     rate   |    Mod     Arg  |     Re        Im
   11.971   0.000000 |  1.00000   0.52 |  0.86540   0.50109

   period     rate   |    Mod     Arg  |     Re        Im
    4.005   0.000000 |  1.00000   1.57 |  0.00177   1.00000

Eigenvectors ‘FORT’: 1D graphs of eigenvectors.

Pairs of Eigenvectors ‘FORT’: 2D scatterplots of eigenvectors.

W-correlation Matrix ‘FORT’: Weighted correlations.

Reconstruction ‘FORT’: Reconstructed sine waves.

Fragment 2.2.1 (Noisy sinusoid: Toeplitz SSA)

N <- 100
sigma <- 0.5
F <- sin (2 * pi * (1:N) / 7) + sigma * rnorm(N)
Fcenter <- F - mean(F)
st <- ssa(Fcenter, L = 50, kind = "toeplitz-ssa")
s <- ssa(F, L = 50, kind = "1d-ssa")
p <- plot(s, type = "vectors", idx = 1:4, layout = c(4, 1))
pt <- plot(st, type = "vectors", idx = 1:4, layout = c(4, 1))
plot(pt, split = c(1, 1, 1, 2), more = TRUE)
plot(p, split = c(1, 2, 1, 2), more = FALSE)
pt <- plot(reconstruct(st, groups = list(1:2)), 
           plot.method = "xyplot", layout = c(3, 1))
p <- plot(reconstruct(s, groups = list(1:2)), 
          plot.method = "xyplot", layout = c(3, 1))
plot(pt, split = c(1, 1, 1, 2), more = TRUE)
plot(p, split = c(1, 2, 1, 2), more = FALSE)

Produced output

Eigenvectors Noisy sinusoid: 1D graphs of eigenvectors (top: Toeplitz SSA, bottom: Basic SSA).

Reconstruction Noisy sinusoid: Reconstruction (top: Toeplitz SSA, bottom: Basic SSA).

Fragment 2.2.2 (Simulation: comparison of Toeplitz and Basic SSA)

Warning: this example takes a lot of computational time.

N <- 100
sigma <- 0.5
alpha <- seq(0.0, 0.01, 0.001)
L <- 50
Q <- 1000
if (SIMUL) {
  RMSE <-
           function(a) {
             sqrt(rowMeans(replicate(Q, {
               S <- exp(a * (1:N)) * sin(2 * pi * (1:N) / 7)
               F <- S + sigma * rnorm(N)
               Fcenter <- F - mean(F)
               st <- ssa(Fcenter, L = L, kind = "toeplitz-ssa")
               s <- ssa(F, L = L, kind = "1d-ssa")
               rec <- reconstruct(s, groups = list(1:2))$F1
               rec.t <- reconstruct(st, groups = list(1:2))$F1
               c("1d-ssa" = mean((rec - S)^2),
                 "toeplitz" = mean((rec.t - S)^2))
  toeplitz.sim <-
} else {
  data("toeplitz.sim", package = "ssabook")
matplot(alpha, toeplitz.sim, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 0.25))

Produced output

Eigenvectors Simulation: Reconstruction accuracy of Toeplitz (dash red line) and Basic SSA (solid black line).

Fragment 2.3.1 (‘CO2’: SSA with projection)

s2 <- ssa(co2, column.projector = "centering", 
         row.projector = "centering")
plot(reconstruct(s2, groups = 
                 list(Linear.trend = seq_len(nspecial(s2)))),
     add.residuals = FALSE, plot.method = "matplot")
s4 <- ssa(co2, column.projector = 2, row.projector = 2)
plot(reconstruct(s4, groups = 
                 list(Trend = seq_len(nspecial(s4)))),
     add.residuals = FALSE, plot.method = "matplot")
plot(s4, type = "vectors", idx = 1:12)
r <- reconstruct(s4,
               groups = 
                  list(Signal = c(seq_len(nspecial(s4)), 5:8)))
plot(r, plot.method = "xyplot")

Produced output

Reconstruction ‘CO2’: Reconstruction of linear trend.

Reconstruction ‘CO2’: Reconstruction of the cubic trend.

Eigenvectors ‘CO2’: 1D graphs of eigenvectors.

Reconstruction ‘CO2’: Reconstruction of signal.

Fragment 2.3.2 (Polynomial trend: SSA with projection)

N <- 199
tt <- (1:N) / N
r <- 5
F0 <- 10 * (tt - 0.5)^r
F <- F0 + sin(2 * pi * (1:N) / 10)
L <- 100
dec <- ssa(F, L = L, column.projector = 3, row.projector = 3)
rec1 <- reconstruct(dec, groups = 
                      list(Trend = seq_len(nspecial(dec))))
fit1 <- rec1$Trend
fit1_3b <- lm(fit1 ~ poly((1:N), r, raw = TRUE))
fit3b <- lm(F ~ poly((1:N), r, raw = TRUE))
li <- 1:199
d <- data.frame(Initial = F[li],
                dproj = fit1[li],
                dproj_reg = predict(fit1_3b)[li],
                regr = predict(fit3b)[li], trend = F0[li])
xyplot(as.formula(paste(paste(colnames(d), collapse = "+"),
                        "~", "1:nrow(d)")),
       data = d,
       type = "l", ylab = "", xlab = "",
       lty = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), lwd = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
       auto.key = list(columns = 3,
                       lines = TRUE, points = FALSE))

Produced output

Comparison Polynomial trend: Comparison of trend reconstructions.

Fragment 2.4.1 (Noisy sum of three sinusoids: Iterative O-SSA)

N <- 100
L <- 50
omega1 <- 0.07
omega2 <- 0.065
omega3 <- 0.15
sigma <- 0.1
F <- 2 * sin(2 * pi * omega1 * (1:N)) + 
  sin(2 * pi * omega2 * (1:N)) +
  3 * sin(2 * pi * omega3 * (1:N)) + sigma * rnorm(N)
xyplot(F ~ 1:N, type = "l")
s <- ssa(F, L)
plot(s, type = "vectors", idx = 1:8, layout = c(4, 2))
plot(wcor(s, groups = 1:20), scales = list(at = seq(1,20,2)))
ios <- iossa(s, nested.groups = list(3:4, 5:6), maxiter = 1000)
plot(ios, type = "vectors", idx = 1:8, layout = c(4, 2))
ior <- reconstruct(ios, groups = c(list(1:2), ios$iossa.groups))
plot(ior, plot.method = "xyplot", add.original = FALSE,
     add.residuals = FALSE)

Produced output

Plot Noisy sum of three sinusoids: The original series.

Eigenvectors Noisy sum of three sinusoids, Basic SSA: w-Correlation matrix.

W-correlation Matrix Noisy sum of three sinusoids, Basic SSA: Eigenvectors.

Eigenvectors Noisy sum of three sinusoids, Iterative O-SSA: Eigenvectors.

Reconstruction Noisy sum of three sinusoids, Iterative O-SSA: Reconstruction.

Fragment 2.4.2 (Noisy sum of three sinusoids: Iterative O-SSA, summary)


Produced output

[1] 3 4

[1] 5 6

iossa.ssa(x = s, nested.groups = list(3:4, 5:6), maxiter = 1000)

Series length: 100,	Window length: 50,	SVD method: eigen
Special triples:  0

Eigenvalues: 50,	Eigenvectors: 50,	Factor vectors: 6

Precached: 0 elementary series (0 MiB)

Overall memory consumption (estimate): 0.0352 MiB

Iterative O-SSA result:
	Converged:             yes
	Iterations:            243
	Initial mean(tau):     0.1032
	Initial tau:           0.0007976, 0.2055299
	I. O-SSA mean(tau):    0.0004452
	I. O-SSA tau:          0.0006709, 0.0002196
	Initial max wcor:      0.02442
	I. O-SSA max wcor:     0.06986
	I. O-SSA max owcor:    0.0732

Fragment 2.4.3 (Dependence of iossa error on difference between frequencies)

Warning: this example takes a lot of computational time.

rowMeansQuantile <- function(x, level = 0.05) {
  apply(x, 1,
        function(x) {
          q <- quantile(x, c(level / 2, 1 - level / 2))
          x[x < q[1]] <- q[1]
          x[x > q[2]] <- q[2]
data("iossa.err", package = "ssabook")
lseq <- c(seq(0.03, 0.058, 0.002), seq(0.062, 0.1, 0.002))
iter.real <- rowMeansQuantile(iossa.err$iter.real)
iter.est <- iossa.err$iter.est
err1 <- sqrt(rowMeansQuantile(iossa.err$err1))
err2 <- sqrt(rowMeansQuantile(iossa.err$err2))
xlab <- expression(omega[1])
ylab1 <- expression(N[plain(iter)])
ylab2 <- expression(RMSE)
p1 <- xyplot(iter.real + iter.est ~ lseq,
             type = "l", ylab = ylab1, xlab = xlab)
p2 <- xyplot(err1 + err2 ~ lseq,
             type = "l", ylab = ylab2, xlab = xlab)
print(p1, split = c(1, 1, 1, 2), more = TRUE)
print(p2, split = c(1, 2, 1, 2), more = FALSE)

Produced output

Comparison Dependence of number of iterations (top) and RMSE errors of frequency estimations (bottom) on 𝝎1 for 𝝎2=0.6.

Fragment 2.5.1 (Separation of two sine waves with equal amplitudes)

N <- 100
L <- 50
omega1 <- 0.03
omega2 <- 0.06
sigma <- 0.1
F <- sin(2 * pi * omega1 * (1:N)) + 
  sin(2 * pi * omega2 * (1:N)) + 
  sigma * rnorm(N)
s <- ssa(F, L = L, neig = min(L, N - L + 1)) #full decomposition
p1 <- plot(s, type = "vectors", idx = 1:4, layout = c(4, 1),
           main = "Eigenvectors, Basic SSA")
fos <- fossa(s, nested.groups = list(1:2, 3:4), gamma = 10, 
             normalize = FALSE)
#the total percent is equal to 100%
print(sum(fos$sigma^2) / sum(s$sigma^2) * 100)
p2 <- plot(fos, type = "vectors", idx = 1:4, layout = c(4, 1),
           main = "Eigenvectors, SSA with derivatives")
ios1 <- iossa(s, nested.groups = list(1:2, 3:4), maxiter = 1)
#the total percent is not equal to 100%
print(sum(ios1$sigma^2) / sum(s$sigma^2) * 100)
p3 <- plot(ios1, type = "vectors", idx = 1:4, layout = c(4, 1),
           main = "Eigenvectors, Iterative O-SSA, 1 iter")
ios2 <- iossa(ios1, nested.groups = list(1:2, 3:4), maxiter = 1)
#the total percent is not equal to 100%
print(sum(ios2$sigma^2) / sum(s$sigma^2) * 100)
p4 <- plot(ios2, type = "vectors", idx = 1:4, layout = c(4, 1),
           main = "Eigenvectors, Iterative O-SSA, 2 iter")
plot(p1, split = c(1, 1, 1, 4), more = TRUE)
plot(p2, split = c(1, 2, 1, 4), more = TRUE)
plot(p3, split = c(1, 3, 1, 4), more = TRUE)
plot(p4, split = c(1, 4, 1, 4), more = FALSE)
fo.rec <- reconstruct(fos, groups = list(1:2, 3:4))
pr1 <- plot(fo.rec, plot.method = "xyplot", 
            main = "SSA with derivatives", xlab = "")
io.rec <- reconstruct(ios2, groups = ios2$iossa.groups)
pr2 <- plot(io.rec, plot.method = "xyplot",
            main = "Iterative O-SSA", xlab = "")
plot(pr1, split = c(1, 1, 1, 2), more = TRUE)
plot(pr2, split = c(1, 2, 1, 2), more = FALSE)

Produced output

Norms Noisy sum of sinusoids: Graph of eigenvalues for Basic SSA.

Eigenvectors Noisy sum of sinusoids: 1D graphs of eigenvectors for Basic SSA (top), DerivSSA (middle) and Iterative O-SSA, 1 iteration (second from bottom) and 2 iterations (bottom).

Reconstruction Noisy sum of sinusoids: Reconstructions for DerivSSA (top) and Iterative O-SSA, 2 iterations (bottom).

[1] 100
[1] 99.62939
[1] 101.7544
In .contribution(x, idx, ...):
  Elementary matrices are not F-orthogonal (max F-cor is -0.016).
  Contributions can be irrelevant

Fragment 2.6.1 (Decomposition for series with a gap)

F <- co2; F[100:200] <- NA
#prompt for the choice of window length
# Perform shaped SSA
s1 <- ssa(F, L = 72)
plot(s1, type = "vectors", idx = 1:12)
plot(s1, type = "series", groups = 1:6, layout = c(2, 3))
plot(wcor(s1, groups = 1:20), scales = list(at = seq(1,20,2)))
plot(reconstruct(s1, groups = list(c(1, 4, 7))), 
     add.residuals = FALSE, 
     plot.method = "xyplot", superpose = TRUE)

Produced output

Complete vectors proportion ‘CO2’ with gaps, Shaped SSA: Dependence of proportion of complete vectors on window length.

Reconstruction ‘CO2’ with gaps, Shaped SSA: Eigenvectors, L=72.

W-correlations ‘CO2’ with gaps, Shaped SSA: Elementary reconstructed series, L=72.

Reconstruction ‘CO2’ with gaps, Shaped SSA: w-Correlation matrix, L=72.

Fragment 2.6.2 (Incomplete decomposition for a series with a gap)

s2 <- ssa(F, L = 120)
#plot(s2, type = "vectors")
#plot(wcor(s2, groups = 1:20))
#plot of reconstruction
plot(reconstruct(s2, groups = list(c(1, 6, 7))), 
     add.residuals = FALSE, 
     plot.method = "xyplot", superpose = TRUE)

Produced output

Reconstruction ‘CO2’ with gaps, Shaped SSA: Trend reconstruction, L=72.

Reconstruction ‘CO2’ with gaps, Shaped SSA: Incomplete trend reconstruction, L=120.

Fragment 2.7.1 (‘White dwarf’: Auto grouping by clustering)

data("dwarfst", package = "ssabook")
s <- ssa(dwarfst, L = 100)
g <-, grouping.method = "wcor", 
                   method = "average", nclust = 2)
plot(wcor(s, groups = 1:30), scales = list(at = c(1, 11, 30)))
plot(reconstruct(s, groups = g), 
     add.residuals = FALSE, 
     plot.method = "xyplot", superpose = FALSE)

Produced output

W-correlations ‘White dwarf’: w-Correlation matrix, L=100.

Reconstruction ‘White dwarf’: Decomposition with automatic grouping performed by clustering.

 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11

Fragment 2.7.2 (‘Production’: Auto grouping by frequency analysis)

data("oilproduction", package = "ssabook")
s <- ssa(oilproduction, L = 120)
plot(s, type = "vectors", vectors = "factor", idx = 1:12)
g0 <-, base = "series", 
                    freq.bins = list(Tendency = 1/240, 
                                     Trend = 1/24), 
                    threshold = 0.1)
plot(g0, order = TRUE, type = "b")
contrib <- attr(g0, "contributions")[, 2]
print(thr <- sort(contrib, decreasing = TRUE)[9])
g <-, base = "series", 
                   freq.bins = list(Tendency = 1/240, 
                                    Trend = 1/24), 
                   threshold = thr)
plot(reconstruct(s, groups = g), 
     add.residuals = FALSE, 
     plot.method = "xyplot", superpose = TRUE)

Produced output

Relative Contributions ‘Production’: Ordered frequency contributions of factor vectors, L=120.

Eigenvectors ‘Production’: Factor vectors, L=120.

Reconstruction ‘Production’: Two extracted trends of different resolution, automatic grouping by frequencies.

[1] 1 2
[1]  1  2  3  6  8 11 12 17 18