Here you can find the code listings in R
language from the corresponding chapter of the book.
You need to load Rssa
, ssabook
, lattice
, latticeExtra
, plyr
, fma
to run these examples.
s <- ssa(EuStockMarkets[, 1] + 1i*EuStockMarkets[, 2],
kind = "cssa", svd.method = "svd")
r <- reconstruct(s, groups = list(Trend = 1:2))
plot(r, plot.method = "xyplot", layout = c(2, 3))
plot(s, type = "vectors", idx = 1:8)
len = 2
print(rforecast(s, groups = list(Trend = 1:2), len = len)[1:len])
‘Stocks’: Reconstructed trends.
‘Stocks’: Eigenvectors, real and imaginary parts.
[1] 6156.061+8492.425i 6169.006+8507.808i
data("AustralianWine", package = "Rssa")
wine <- window(AustralianWine, end = time(AustralianWine)[174])
wineFortDry <- wine[, c("Fortified", "Drywhite")]
L <- 84
s.wineFortDry <- ssa(wineFortDry, L = L, kind = "mssa")
r.wineFortDry <- reconstruct(s.wineFortDry,
groups = list(Trend = c(1, 6),
Seasonality = c(2:5, 7:12)))
plot(r.wineFortDry, add.residuals = FALSE,
plot.method = "xyplot",
superpose = TRUE, auto.key = list(columns = 3))
‘FORT’ and ‘DRY’: Reconstructed trend and seasonality.
plot(s.wineFortDry, type = "vectors", idx = 1:8)
plot(s.wineFortDry, type = "paired", idx = 2:11,
plot.contrib = FALSE)
print(parestimate(s.wineFortDry, groups = list(2:3, 4:5),
method = "esprit"))
plot(wcor(s.wineFortDry, groups = 1:30),
scales = list(at = c(10, 20, 30)))
si.wineFortDry <- iossa(s.wineFortDry,
nested.groups = list(c(1,6), c(2:5, 7:12)))
plot(si.wineFortDry, type = "vectors", idx = 1:8)
‘FORT’ and ‘DRY’: 1D graphs of eigenvectors.
‘FORT’ and ‘DRY’: 2D scatterplots of eigenvectors.
‘FORT’ and ‘DRY’: 1D graphs of eigenvectors after Iterative O-SSA.
period rate | Mod Arg | Re Im
12.128 -0.004789 | 0.99522 0.52 | 0.86463 0.49283
-12.128 -0.004789 | 0.99522 -0.52 | 0.86463 -0.49283
period rate | Mod Arg | Re Im
4.007 -0.001226 | 0.99877 1.57 | 0.00279 0.99877
-4.007 -0.001226 | 0.99877 -1.57 | 0.00279 -0.99877
f.wineFortDry <- rforecast(s.wineFortDry,
groups = list(1, 1:12),
len = 60, = TRUE)
plot(cbind(wineFortDry[, "Fortified"],
f.wineFortDry$F2[, "Fortified"]),
plot.type = "single",
col = c("black", "red"), ylab = "Fort")
plot(cbind(wineFortDry[, "Drywhite"],
f.wineFortDry$F2[, "Drywhite"]),
plot.type = "single",
col = c("black", "red"), ylab = "Dry")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
‘FORT’ and ‘DRY’: Forecast of the signal.
N <- 71
sigma <- 5
Ls <- c(12, 24, 36, 48, 60)
len <- 24
signal1 <- 30 * cos(2*pi * (1:(N + len)) / 12)
signal2 <- 30 * cos(2*pi * (1:(N + len)) / 12 + pi / 4)
signal <- cbind(signal1, signal2)
R <- 10
mssa.errors <- function(Ls) {
f1 <- signal1[1:N] + rnorm(N, sd = sigma)
f2 <- signal2[1:N] + rnorm(N, sd = sigma)
f <- cbind(f1, f2)
err.rec <- numeric(length(Ls)); names(err.rec) <- Ls
err.for <- numeric(length(Ls)); names(err.for) <- Ls
for (l in seq_along(Ls)) {
L <- Ls[l]
s <- ssa(f, L = L, kind = "mssa")
rec <- reconstruct(s, groups = list(1:2))[[1]]
err.rec[l] <- mean((rec - signal[1:N, ])^2)
pred <- vforecast(s, groups = list(1:2), direction = "row",
len = len, drop = TRUE)
err.for[l] <- mean((pred - signal[-(1:N), ])^2)
list(Reconstruction = err.rec, Forecast = err.for)
mres <- replicate(R, mssa.errors(Ls))
err.rec <- rowMeans(simplify2array(mres["Reconstruction", ]))
err.for <- rowMeans(simplify2array(mres["Forecast", ]))
signal <- signal1 + 1i*signal2
cssa.errors <- function(Ls) {
f1 <- signal1[1:N] + rnorm(N, sd = sigma)
f2 <- signal2[1:N] + rnorm(N, sd = sigma)
f <- f1 + 1i*f2
err.rec <- numeric(length(Ls)); names(err.rec) <- Ls
err.for <- numeric(length(Ls)); names(err.for) <- Ls
for (l in seq_along(Ls)) {
L <- Ls[l]
s <- ssa(f, L = L, kind = "cssa", svd.method = "svd")
rec <- reconstruct(s, groups = list(1:2))[[1]]
err.rec[l] <- mean(abs(rec - signal[1:N])^2)
pred <- vforecast(s, groups = list(1:2), len = len,
drop = TRUE)
err.for[l] <- mean(abs(pred - signal[-(1:N)])^2)
list(Reconstruction = err.rec, Forecast = err.for)
cres <- replicate(R, cssa.errors(Ls))
err.rec <- rowMeans(simplify2array(cres["Reconstruction", ]))
err.for <- rowMeans(simplify2array(cres["Forecast", ]))
12 24 36 48 60
2.869683 1.587789 1.248881 1.153730 1.855115
12 24 36 48 60
2.671251 2.578059 1.501565 2.595378 4.564218
12 24 36 48 60
7.349316 4.298144 4.101666 4.298144 7.349316
12 24 36 48 60
24.67425 13.60116 14.54819 11.72135 15.86380
wineFortRose <- wine[, c("Fortified", "Rose")]
norm.wineFortRosen <- sqrt(colMeans(wineFortRose^2))
wineFortRosen <-
sweep(wineFortRose, 2, norm.wineFortRosen, "/")
L <- 84
s.wineFortRosen <- ssa(wineFortRosen, L = L, kind = "mssa")
r.wineFortRosen <- reconstruct(s.wineFortRosen,
groups = list(Trend = c(1, 12, 14),
Seasonality = c(2:11, 13)))
s.wineFortRose <- ssa(wineFortRose, L = L, kind = "mssa")
r.wineFortRose <- reconstruct(s.wineFortRose,
groups = list(Trend = 1,
Seasonality = 2:11))
wrap.plot <- function(rec, component = 1, series,
xlab = "", ylab, ...)
plot(rec, add.residuals = FALSE, add.original = TRUE,
plot.method = "xyplot", superpose = TRUE,
scales = list(y = list(tick.number = 3)),
slice = list(component = component, series = series),
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, auto.key = "", ...)
trel1 <- wrap.plot(r.wineFortRosen, series = 2,
ylab = "Rose, norm", main = NULL)
trel2 <- wrap.plot(r.wineFortRosen, series = 1,
ylab = "Fort, norm", main = NULL)
trel3 <- wrap.plot(r.wineFortRose, series = 2,
ylab = "Rose", main = NULL)
trel4 <- wrap.plot(r.wineFortRose, series = 1,
ylab = "Fort", main = NULL)
plot(trel1, split = c(1, 1, 2, 2), more = TRUE)
plot(trel2, split = c(1, 2, 2, 2), more = TRUE)
plot(trel3, split = c(2, 1, 2, 2), more = TRUE)
plot(trel4, split = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
‘FORT’ and ‘ROSE’: Trends with normalization (ET1,12,14) and without (ET1).
wineFortRose <- AustralianWine[, c("Fortified", "Rose")]
L <- 84
wineFortRose <- AustralianWine[, c("Fortified", "Rose")]
norm.wineFortRosen <-
sqrt(colMeans(wineFortRose^2, na.rm = TRUE))
wineFortRosen <-
sweep(wineFortRose, 2, norm.wineFortRosen, "/")
s.wineFortRosen <- ssa(wineFortRosen, L = L, kind = "mssa")
g.wineFortRosen <-
gapfill(s.wineFortRosen, groups = list(1:14))
ig.wineFortRosen <-
igapfill(s.wineFortRosen, groups = list(1:14))
ig.wineFortRose <-
norm.wineFortRosen["Rose"] * ig.wineFortRosen
g.wineFortRose <-
norm.wineFortRosen["Rose"] * g.wineFortRosen
xyplot(AustralianWine[100:187, "Rose"] +
ig.wineFortRose[100:187, "Rose"] +
g.wineFortRose[100:187, "Rose"] ~
type = "l", xlab = "Time", ylab = "Rose",
lty = c(1, 2, 1), lwd = c(2, 1, 1),
auto.key = list(text = c("`Rose'",
"Iterative gap filling",
"Subspace-based gap-filling")))
‘FORT’ and ‘ROSE’: Filling-in of `ROSE’ by two methods.
FilledRose <- AustralianWine
FilledRose[175:176, "Rose"] <- g.wineFortRose[175:176]
mainsales <- ts(rowSums(FilledRose[, -1]))
tsp(mainsales) <- tsp(AustralianWine)
wine.add.mainsales <- cbind(FilledRose, mainsales)
colnames(wine.add.mainsales) <-
c(colnames(FilledRose), "Mainsales")
L <- 84
s.totalmain <- ssa(wine.add.mainsales[, c("Mainsales",
L = L, kind = "mssa")
f.totalmain <- rforecast(s.totalmain, groups = list(1:14),
len = 11, = TRUE)
plot(f.totalmain, main = "", xlab = NULL, oma = c(3, 1, 1, 1))
‘Total’ and ‘Mainsales’: Forecast to fill-in ‘Total’.
L <- 163 <- sqrt(colMeans(wine[, -1]^2))
winen <- sweep(wine[, -1], 2,, "/")
s.winen <- ssa(winen, L = L, kind = "mssa")
r.winen <- reconstruct(s.winen,
groups = list(Trend = c(1, 2, 5),
Seasonality = c(3:4, 6:12)))
plot(r.winen, add.residuals = FALSE,
plot.method = "xyplot",
slice = list(component = 1),
screens = list(colnames(winen)),
col =
c("blue", "green", "red", "violet", "black", "green4"),
lty = rep(c(1, 2), each = 6),
scales = list(y = list(draw = FALSE)),
layout = c(1, 6))
plot(r.winen, plot.method = "xyplot", add.original = FALSE,
add.residuals = FALSE, slice = list(component = 2),
col =
c("blue", "green", "red", "violet", "black", "green4"),
scales = list(y = list(draw = FALSE)),
layout = c(1, 6))
‘Australian wines’: Extraction of trends.
‘Australian wines’: Extraction of seasonality.