Chapter 3: Parameter estimation, forecasting, gap filling

Here you can find the code listings in R language from the corresponding chapter of the book.

You need to load Rssa, ssabook, lattice, latticeExtra, plyr, fma to run these examples.


  1. Chapter 3: Parameter estimation, forecasting, gap filling
    1. Fragment 3.1.1 (LRRs and roots of characteristic polynomials)
      1. Produced output
    2. Fragment 3.1.2 (Parameter estimation for ‘CO2’)
      1. Produced output
    3. Fragment 3.2.1 (Forecasting of ‘CO2’)
      1. Produced output
    4. Fragment 3.3.1 (Subspace-based gap filling)
      1. Produced output
    5. Fragment 3.3.2 (Iterative gap filling, one gap)
      1. Produced output
    6. Fragment 3.3.3 (Iterative gap filling, several gaps)
      1. Produced output
    7. Fragment 3.4.1 (Weighted Cadzow approximation)
      1. Produced output
    8. Fragment 3.4.2 (Accuracy of weighted Cadzow approximation)
      1. Produced output
    9. Fragment 3.5.1 (‘Elec’: trend forecasting and iossa)
      1. Produced output
    10. Fragment 3.5.2 (‘Elec’: combined forecasting)
      1. Produced output
    11. Fragment 3.5.3 (‘Cowtemp’: different methods of forecasting)
      1. Produced output
    12. Fragment 3.5.4 (Function for perturbed forecasting intervals)
    13. Fragment 3.5.5 (‘Total’: stability of forecasting)
      1. Produced output
    14. Fragment 3.5.6 (‘Glonass’: gap filling)
      1. Produced output
    15. Fragment 3.5.7 (‘Glonass’: periodicity extraction after the gap filling)
      1. Produced output
    16. Fragment 3.5.8 (‘FORT’: Cadzow iterations)
      1. Produced output
    17. Fragment 3.5.9 (‘FORT’: Estimation of parameters by Basic SSA)
      1. Produced output
    18. Fragment 3.5.10 (‘FORT’: Estimation of parameters by Cadzow iterations)
      1. Produced output
    19. Fragment 3.5.11 (‘FORT’: Estimation of parametric real-valued form)
      1. Produced output
    20. Fragment 3.5.12 (‘Sunspots’: Subspace tracking)
      1. Produced output
    21. Fragment 3.5.13 (Functions for the search of optimal parameters)
    22. Fragment 3.5.14 (‘Bookings’: Search for optimal parameters)
      1. Produced output
    23. Fragment 3.5.15 (‘Bookings’: Forecast with optimal parameters)
      1. Produced output
    24. Fragments 3.5.16 (‘Sweetwhite’: training and test periods) and 3.5.17 (‘Sweetwhite’: Search for SSA parameters)
    25. Fragment 3.5.18 (‘Sweetwhite’: Comparison of SSA, ARIMA and ETS)
      1. Produced output

Fragment 3.1.1 (LRRs and roots of characteristic polynomials)

#minimal LRR
x <- 1.01^(1:10)
s <- ssa(x, L = 2)
l <- lrr(s, groups = list(1))
#extraneous roots
x <- 1.01^(1:10)
s <- ssa(x, L = 6)
l <- lrr(s, groups = list(1))
r <- roots(l)
#multiple roots
x <- 2.188 * (1:10) + 7.77
s <- ssa(x, L = 3)
l <- lrr(s, groups = list(1:2))

Produced output

Roots Exponential signal: One signal and four extraneous roots.

[1] 1.01
[1] "lrr"
[1] 1.01
[1] -1  2
[1] "lrr"
[1] 1.0000003 0.9999997

Fragment 3.1.2 (Parameter estimation for ‘CO2’)

# Decompose "co2" series with default window length L
s <- ssa(co2)
# Estimate the periods from 2nd and 3rd eigenvectors 
# using default "pairs" method
print(parestimate(s, groups = list(c(2, 3)), method = "pairs"))
# Estimate the periods and rates using ESPRIT
pe <- parestimate(s, groups = list(1:6), 
                  method = "esprit")

Produced output

Roots ‘CO2’: Six signal roots.

   period     rate   |    Mod     Arg  |     Re        Im
   11.995   0.000000 |  1.00000   0.52 |  0.86592   0.50019
   period     rate   |    Mod     Arg  |     Re        Im
   11.995   0.000542 |  1.00054   0.52 |  0.86638   0.50047
  -11.995   0.000542 |  1.00054  -0.52 |  0.86638  -0.50047
    5.999   0.000512 |  1.00051   1.05 |  0.50015   0.86653
   -5.999   0.000512 |  1.00051  -1.05 |  0.50015  -0.86653
      Inf   0.000375 |  1.00037   0.00 |  1.00037   0.00000
      Inf  -0.008308 |  0.99173  -0.00 |  0.99173  -0.00000

Fragment 3.2.1 (Forecasting of ‘CO2’)

# Decomposition stage
s <- ssa(co2, L = 120)
# Recurrent forecast, the result is the forecast values only
# The result is the set of forecasts for each group
for1 <- rforecast(s, groups = list(1, c(1,4), 1:4, 1:6), 
                  len = 12)
matplot(data.frame(for1), type = "b", 
        pch = c("1", "2", "3", "4"), ylab = "")
# Vector forecast, the forecasted points are 
# added to the base series
for1a <- vforecast(s, 
                   groups = list(1, trend = c(1,4), 1:4, 1:6), 
                   len = 36, = FALSE)
# Plot of the forecast based on the second group c(1,4)
plot(cbind(co2, for1a$trend), plot.type = "single", 
     col = c("black", "red"), ylab = NULL)
# Reverse recurrent forecast
len <- 60
for2 <- rforecast(s, groups = list(1:6), len = len, 
         = TRUE, reverse =  TRUE)
initial <- c(rep(NA, len), co2)
forecasted <- c(for2, rep(NA, length(co2)))
matplot(data.frame(initial, forecasted), ylab = NULL,
        type = "l", col = c("black", "red"), lty = c(1, 1))
for3 <- forecast(s, groups = list(1:6), 
                 method = "recurrent", interval = "confidence",
                 only.intervals = FALSE,
                 len = 24, R = 100, level = 0.99)
plot(for3, include = 36, shadecols = "green", type = "l",
     main = "Confidence intervals")
for4 <- forecast(s, groups = list(1:6), 
                 method = "recurrent", interval = "prediction",
                 only.intervals = FALSE,  
                 len = 24, R = 100, level = 0.99)
plot(for4, include = 36, shadecols = "green", type = "l",
     main = "Prediction intervals")

Produced output

Forecast ‘CO2’: A set of recurrent forecasts.

Forecast ‘CO2’: Forecast of trend.

Forecast ‘CO2’: Backward forecast of the signal.

Forecast Forecast
‘CO2’: Plots of confidence and prediction intervals for the forecast.

Fragment 3.3.1 (Subspace-based gap filling)

F <- co2 
F[201:300] <- NA
s <- ssa(F, L = 72)
g0 <- gapfill(s, groups = list(c(1, 4)), method = "sequential", 
              alpha = 0, base = "reconstructed")
g1 <- gapfill(s, groups = list(c(1, 4)), method = "sequential", 
              alpha = 1, base = "reconstructed")
g <- gapfill(s, groups = list(c(1, 4)), method = "sequential", 
             base = "reconstructed")
plot(co2, col = "black")
lines(g0, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
lines(g1, col = "green", lwd = 2)
lines(g, col = "red", lwd = 2)

Produced output

Forecast ‘CO2’: Subspace-based gap filling, from the left, from the right, and their combination.

Fragment 3.3.2 (Iterative gap filling, one gap)

F <- co2 
F[201:300] <- NA
is <- ssa(F, L = 72)
ig <- igapfill(is, groups = list(c(1,4)), 
               base = "reconstructed")
igo <- igapfill(is, groups = list(c(1,4)), 
                base = "original")
# Compare the result
plot(co2, col="black")
lines(ig, col = "blue", lwd = 1)
lines(igo, col = "red", lwd = 1)
ig1 <- igapfill(is, groups = list(c(1, 4)), 
                base = "original", maxiter = 1)
ig5 <- igapfill(is, groups = list(c(1, 4)), fill = ig1,
                base = "original", maxiter = 4)
ig10 <- igapfill(is, groups = list(c(1, 4)), fill = ig5, 
                 base = "original", maxiter = 5)
init.lin <- F  
init.lin[200:301] <- F[200] + (0:101) / 101 * (F[301] - F[200])
ig.lin <- igapfill(s, 
                  fill = init.lin, 
                  groups = list(c(1, 4)), 
                  base = "original", maxiter = 10)
# Compare the result
plot(co2, col = "black")
lines(ig1, col = "green", lwd = 1)
lines(ig5, col = "blue", lwd = 1)
lines(ig10, col = "red", lwd = 1)
lines(ig.lin, col = "darkred", lwd = 1)

Produced output

Gap filling ‘CO2’: Iterative gap filling of trend.

Gap filling ‘CO2’: Iterative gap filling of trend: convergence.

Fragment 3.3.3 (Iterative gap filling, several gaps)

F <- co2 
loc <- c(11:17, 61:67, 71:77, 101:107)
F[loc] <- NA;
sr <- ssa(F, L = 200)
igr <- igapfill(sr, groups = list(c(1:6)), fill = 320,
                base = "original", maxiter = 10)
gr <- gapfill(sr, groups = list(c(1:6)), 
              method = "simultaneous", base = "original")
G <- rep(NA, length(F)); G[loc] = gr[loc]
print(mean((gr[loc] - co2[loc])^2)) #MSE of gapfill
print(mean((igr[loc] - co2[loc])^2)) #MSE of igapfill
xyplot(igr + G + F ~ time(co2), type = "l", 
       lwd = c(1, 2, 1), ylab = NULL,
       auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, points = FALSE, 
                    text = c("igapfill", "gapfill", "series")))

Produced output

[1] 0.1132225
[1] 0.1425962

Gap filling ‘CO2’: Iterative and simultaneous subspace-based gap filling of trend: randomly located gaps.

Fragment 3.4.1 (Weighted Cadzow approximation)

cut <- 49 + 60
x <- window(co2, end = time(co2)[length(co2) - cut + 1])
L <- 60
K <- length(x) - L + 1
alpha <- 0.01
weights <- vector(len = K)
weights[1:K] <- alpha
weights[seq(K, 1, -L)] <- 1
xyplot(weights ~ 1:K, type = "l")
s1 <- ssa(x, L = L) #to detect the series rank
ncomp <- 6
s01 <- ssa(x, L = L, column.oblique = "identity", 
           row.oblique = weights)
c01 <- cadzow(s01, rank = ncomp, maxiter = 10)
s01.1 <- ssa(c01, L = L, column.oblique = NULL, 
             row.oblique = NULL)
c01.1 <- cadzow(s01.1, rank = ncomp, tol = 1.e-8 * mean(co2))
print(t(ssa(c01.1, L = ncomp + 1)$sigma), digits = 5)
ss01.1<- ssa(c01.1, L = ncomp + 1)
fr <- rforecast(ss01.1, groups = list(1:ncomp), len = cut)
xyplot(cbind(Original = co2, Cadzow1and01 = c01.1, 
             ForecastCadzow = fr), superpose = TRUE)
print(parestimate(ss01.1, groups = list(1:ncomp), 
                  method = "esprit"))

Produced output

Comparison ‘CO2’: Approximation of rank 6 by the weighted Cadzow method and its forecast.

      [,1]   [,2]   [,3]  [,4]  [,5]     [,6] [,7]
[1,] 16472 73.537 41.096 12.29 4.674 0.044457    0
   period     rate   |    Mod     Arg  |     Re        Im
   11.998   0.000525 |  1.00053   0.52 |  0.86643   0.50035
  -11.998   0.000525 |  1.00053  -0.52 |  0.86643  -0.50035
      Inf   0.000451 |  1.00045   0.00 |  1.00045   0.00000
    5.998   0.000287 |  1.00029   1.05 |  0.49986   0.86644
   -5.998   0.000287 |  1.00029  -1.05 |  0.49986  -0.86644
      Inf  -0.004623 |  0.99539   0.00 |  0.99539   0.00000

Fragment 3.4.2 (Accuracy of weighted Cadzow approximation)

Warning: this example takes a lot of computational time.

L <- 20
N <- 2 * L
K <- N - L + 1
alpha <- 0.01
sigma <- 1
signal <- 5 * sin(2 * pi * (1:N) / 6)
weights <- vector(len = K)
weights[1:K] <- alpha
weights[seq(1, K, L)] <- 1
M <- 1000
norm.meansq <- function(x) mean(x^2)
if (SIMUL) {
  RMSE <- sqrt(rowMeans(replicate(M, {
    x <- signal + sigma * rnorm(N)
    s.alpha <- ssa(x, L = L, column.oblique = NULL, 
                   row.oblique = weights)
    c.alpha <- cadzow(s.alpha, rank = 2, tol = 1.e-8, 
                      norm = norm.meansq, 
                      correct = FALSE)
    s <- ssa(x, L = L)
    cc <- cadzow(s, rank = 2, norm = norm.meansq, tol = 1.e-8, 
                 correct = FALSE)
    c("err" = mean((cc - signal)^2),
      "err.alpha" = mean((c.alpha - signal)^2))
  cadzow.sim <-
} else {
  data("cadzow.sim", package = "ssabook")

Produced output

        err err.alpha
1 0.3753331 0.3222088

Fragment 3.5.1 (‘Elec’: trend forecasting and iossa)

data("elec", package = "fma")
N <- length(elec)
len <- 24
L <- 24
s <- ssa(window(elec, end = c(1993, 8)), L = L)
si <- iossa(s, nested.groups = list(c(1, 4), c(2, 3, 5:10)))
fi <- rforecast(si, groups = list(trend = c(1:2)), 
                len = len, = FALSE)
s0 <- ssa(window(elec, start = c(1972, 8), end = c(1993, 8)), 
          L = L)
f0 <- vforecast(s0, groups = list(trend = c(1)), 
                len = len, = TRUE)
si0 <- iossa(s0, nested.groups = list(c(1,4), c(2,3,5:10)))
fi0 <- vforecast(si0, groups = list(trend = c(1:2)), 
                 len = len, = TRUE)
theme <- simpleTheme(col = c("black", "red", "blue", "green"),
                     lwd = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
                     lty = c("solid", "solid", 
                             "solid", "dashed"))
             window(fi, end = c(1993, 8)),
             window(fi, start = c(1993, 9)),
       superpose = TRUE, type ="l", ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL,
       auto.key = list(text = c("original", "trend", 
                                "forecast", "forecast0"),
                       type = c("l", "l", "l", "l"),
                       lines = TRUE, points = FALSE),
       par.settings = theme)

Produced output

Forecast ‘Elec’: Trend forecasting.

Fragment 3.5.2 (‘Elec’: combined forecasting)

L <- 240
elec_sa <- elec - fi
s_sa <- ssa(window(elec_sa, end = c(1993, 8)), L = L)
f_sa <- rforecast(s_sa, groups = list(trend = c(1:13)), 
                  len = len, = FALSE)
theme <- simpleTheme(col = c("black", "red", "green"),
                     lwd = c(1, 2, 2),
                     lty = c("solid", "solid", "solid"))
xyplot(cbind(window(elec, start = c(1985, 12)),
             window(fi, start = c(1985, 12), end = c(1993, 8)),
             window(fi, start = c(1993, 9)) + 
               window(f_sa, start = c(1993, 9))),
       superpose = TRUE, type = "l", ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL,
       auto.key = list(text = c("original", "trend", 
                       type = c("l", "l", "l"),
                       lines = TRUE, points = FALSE),
       par.settings = theme)

Produced output

Forecast ‘Elec’: Combined forecasting.

Fragment 3.5.3 (‘Cowtemp’: different methods of forecasting)

data("cowtemp", package = "fma")
series <- cowtemp
N <- length(series)
cut <- 14
future <- 21
len <- cut + future
r <- 1
L <- 28
Lt <- 14
s <- ssa(window(series, end = N - cut), L = L)
parestimate(s, groups = list(trend = c(1:r)), 
            method = "esprit")$moduli
roots(lrr(s, groups = list(trend = c(1:r))))[1]
rec <- reconstruct(s, groups = list(1:r))
st <- ssa(window(series, end = N - cut), 
          kind = "toeplitz-ssa", L = Lt)
parestimate(st, groups = list(trend = c(1:r)), 
            method = "esprit")$moduli
parestimate(st, groups = list(trend = c(1:r)), 
            normalize.roots = FALSE,
            method = "esprit")$moduli
roots(lrr(st, groups = list(trend = c(1:r))))[1]
fr <- rforecast(s, groups = list(trend = c(1:r)), 
                len = len, = TRUE)
fv <- vforecast(s, groups = list(trend = c(1:r)), 
                len = len, = FALSE)
ftr <- rforecast(st, groups = list(trend = c(1:r)), 
                 len = len, = FALSE)
print(sqrt(mean((window(fr, start = 62) - 
             window(series, start = 62))^2)))
print(sqrt(mean((window(fv, start = 62) - 
             window(series, start = 62))^2)))
print(sqrt(mean((window(ftr, start = 62) - 
             window(series, start = 62))^2)))
theme <- simpleTheme(col = c("black", "red", "blue", 
                             "green", "violet"),
                     lwd = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1),
                     lty = c("solid", "solid", "solid", 
                             "dashed", "solid"))
future.NA <- rep(NA, future)
xyplot(cbind(series, rec$F1, fr, fv, ftr),
       superpose = TRUE, type = "l", ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL,
       auto.key = list(text = c("original series", 
                                "reconstructed series", 
                                "recurrent forecast", 
                                "vector forecast", 
                                "recurrent Toeplitz forecast"),
                       type = c("l", "l", "l", "l", "l"),
                       lines = TRUE, points = FALSE),
       par.settings = theme)

Produced output

[1] 5.711485
[1] 5.253602
[1] 4.785783

Forecast ‘Cowtemp’: Basic SSA and Toeplitz SSA forecasting.

Fragment 3.5.4 (Function for perturbed forecasting intervals)

perturbation <- 
  function(s, noise, R, Qfor, num.comp, L, level, template) {
  r <- reconstruct(s, groups = list(1:num.comp))
  stopifnot(length(r) == 1)
  delta <- sd(residuals(r))
  res <- matrix(nrow = Qfor, ncol = R)
  ser <- s$F; attributes(ser) <- s$Fattr
  for (j in 1:R) {
    si <- ssa(ser + delta * noise[, j], L = L)
    res[, j] <- rforecast(si, groups = list(1:num.comp), 
                         len = Qfor)
  cf <- apply(res, 1, quantile, 
              probs = c((1 - level) / 2, (1 + level) / 2))
  out <- template
  out$x[] <- ser
  out$fitted[] <- r[[1]]
  out$residuals[] <- residuals(r)
  out$lower[] <- cf[1, ]
  out$upper[] <- cf[2, ]
  out$level[] <- 100 * level
  out$mean[] <- rowMeans(res)

Fragment 3.5.5 (‘Total’: stability of forecasting)

data("AustralianWine", package = "Rssa")
wine <- window(AustralianWine, end = time(AustralianWine)[174])
ser0 <- wine[, "Total"]
Q <- 66
l <- length(ser0)
ser <- window(ser0, end = time(ser0)[l-Q])
include <- min(1000, l - Q)
L <- 48
s <- ssa(ser, L = L)
plot(wcor(s, groups = 1:min(nu(s), 50)),
     scales = list(at = c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)))
R <- 100
noise <- matrix(rnorm(length(ser) * R), nrow = length(ser))
range <- 1:30
err.pert <- numeric(length(range))
err <- numeric(length(range))
k <- 1
for (num.comp in range) {
  bf0 <- forecast(s, groups = list(1:num.comp), 
                  method = "recurrent",
                  interval = "confidence",
                  len = Q, R = R, level = 0.9)
  bf0.pert <- perturbation(s, noise, R, Q, num.comp, L, 
                           level = 0.9, bf0)
  err.pert[k] <- sqrt(mean((bf0.pert$upper - bf0.pert$lower)^2))
  err[k] <- sqrt(mean((bf0$upper - bf0$lower)^2))
  k <- k + 1
bf0.pert1 <- perturbation(s, noise, R, Q, 1, L, 
                          level = 0.9, bf0)
plot(bf0.pert1, include = include, shadecols = "green",
     main = paste("Perturbed SSA forecast, 1 component"))
bf0.pert12 <- perturbation(s, noise, R, Q, 12, L, 
                           level = 0.9, bf0)
plot(bf0.pert12, include = include, shadecols = "green",
     main = paste("Perturbed SSA forecast, 12 components"))
bf0.pert14 <- perturbation(s, noise, R, Q, 14, L, 
                           level = 0.9, bf0)
plot(bf0.pert14, include = include, shadecols = "green",
     main = paste("Perturbed SSA forecast, 14 components"))
start <- 48
theme <- simpleTheme(col = c("black","red","blue"),
                     lwd = c(2, 1, 2),
                     lty = c("solid", "solid", "solid"))
xyplot(cbind(window(ser0, start = c(1984, 1)),
       superpose = TRUE, type = "l", ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL,
       auto.key = list(text = c("`Total'", 
                                "forecast, ET1-12",
                                "forecast, ET1-14"),
                       type = c("l", "l", "l"),
                       lines = TRUE, points = FALSE), 
       par.settings = theme)
xyplot(err + err.pert ~ range, type = "l", 
       ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL,
       auto.key = list(text = c("Bootstrap errors", 
                                "Perturbation errors"),
                       type = c("l", "l"),
                       lines = TRUE, points = FALSE), 
       scales = list(y = list(log = TRUE)))

Produced output

wcor ‘Total’: w-Correlations.

Errors ‘Total’: Sizes of 90% forecasting intervals in dependence on the number of components.

Intervals ‘Total’: Perturbed forecasting intervals, ET1.

Intervals ‘Total’: Perturbed forecasting intervals, ET1–12.

Intervals ‘Total’: Perturbed forecasting intervals, ET1–14.

Comparison ‘Total’: Comparison of forecasts by ET1–12 and ET1–14.

Fragment 3.5.6 (‘Glonass’: gap filling)

data("g15", package = "ssabook")
xyplot(g15 ~ 1:length(g15), type = "l", 
       ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL)
range1 <- 14950:15050
g15_short <- g15[range1]
g15_un <- na.omit(as.vector(g15))
g15_un_short <- g15_un[range1]
p1 <- xyplot(g15_short ~ range1, type = "l", 
             ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL)
p2 <- xyplot(g15_un_short ~ range1, type = "l", 
             ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL)
plot(p1, split = c(1, 1, 2, 1), more = TRUE)
plot(p2, split = c(2, 1, 2, 1), more = FALSE)
L <- 72
neig <- min(L, 100)
s <- ssa(g15, L = 72, neig = neig)
plot(s, type = "vectors", idx = 1:8, plot.contrib = FALSE)
g <- gapfill(s, groups = list(1:2))
xyplot(g[range1] + g15[range1] ~ range1, type = "l", 
       ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL,
       par.settings = simpleTheme(col = c("red", "black")))
spec.pgram(g15_un, detrend = FALSE, log = "no", 
           xlim = c(0.00, 0.02), ylim = c(0, 1e-14), 
           main = "", sub = "")
axis(1, at = c(1/144, 1/72), labels = c("1/144", "1/72"), 
     las = 2)
spec.pgram(as.vector(g), detrend = FALSE, log = "no", 
           xlim = c(0.00, 0.02), ylim = c(0, 1e-14),
           main = "", sub = "")
axis(1, at = c(1/144, 1/72), labels = c("1/144", "1/72"), 
     las = 2)

Produced output

Series ‘Glonass’: Initial series with gaps.

Series ‘Glonass’: A subseries with a gap (left) and with the suppressed gap (right).

Eigenvectors ‘Glonass’: Eigenvectors for the series with gaps, L=72.

Series ‘Glonass’: A subseries with the filled gap.

Periodogram ‘Glonass’: Periodogram of the series with suppressed gaps.

Periodogram ‘Glonass’: Periodogram of the series with filled gaps.

Fragment 3.5.7 (‘Glonass’: periodicity extraction after the gap filling)

s_filled = ssa(g, L = 52416, neig = 100)
pg <- vector(length = 99)
for (i in 1:99) {
  pg[i] <- parestimate(s_filled, groups = list(i:(i + 1)), 
                       method = "esprit")$period[1]
print(ind <- which(pg < 1/0.003))
print(pg[ind], digits = 0)
r <- reconstruct(s_filled, groups = list(day = c(ind, ind+1)))
xyplot(r$day[1:720] ~ 1:720, type = "l", 
       ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL)

Produced output

Series ‘Glonass’: A subseries with the 12-hours periodicity; it is extracted from the series with filled gaps and L=52416.

[1] 32 58
[1] 144  72

Fragment 3.5.8 (‘FORT’: Cadzow iterations)

wine <- window(AustralianWine, end = time(AustralianWine)[168])
ser <- wine[, "Fortified"]
N <- length(ser)
L <- 84
K <- N - L + 1
rank <- 11
#Basic SSA
s0 <- ssa(ser, L = L)
r0 <- reconstruct(s0, groups = list(signal = 1:rank))$signal
#Cadzow iterations with series weights close to equal.
alpha <- 0.1
weights <- numeric( K)
weights[1:K] <- alpha
weights[seq(from = K, to = 1, by = -L)] <- 1
s <- ssa(ser, L = L, column.oblique = "identity", 
         row.oblique = weights, decompose.force = FALSE)
c <- cadzow(s, rank = rank)
sc <- ssa(c, L = rank + 1)
rc <- reconstruct(sc, groups = list(signal = 1:rank))$signal
xyplot(cbind(rc, ser), type = "l",
       superpose = TRUE,
       auto.key = list(text = c("Reconstructed",
                       type = c("l", "l"),
                       lines = TRUE, poinwts = FALSE))

Produced output

Approximation ‘FORT’: Approximation by a series of finite rank.

Fragment 3.5.9 (‘FORT’: Estimation of parameters by Basic SSA)

#Estimation by means of the first iteration of Cadzow
#iterations (SSA)
par <- parestimate(s0, groups = list(1:rank), 
                   method = "esprit")
o <- order(abs(par$periods), decreasing = TRUE)
periods <- (par$periods[o])
moduli <- par$moduli[o]
len <- rank
vars <- matrix(nrow = len, ncol = rank)
for (i in 1:rank) {
  if (periods[i] == Inf)
    vars[, i] <- moduli[i]^(1:len)
  else if (periods[i] == 2)
    vars[, i] <- (-moduli[i])^(1:len)
  else if (periods[i] > 0)
    vars[, i] <- 
      moduli[i]^(1:len) * sin(2 * pi * (1:len) / periods[i])
    vars[, i] <- 
      moduli[i]^(1:len) * cos(2 * pi * (1:len) / periods[i])
lm0 <- lm(r0[1:len] ~ 0 + ., data = data.frame(vars))
coefs0 <- coef(lm0)
print(round(coefs0[1:6], digits = 2))
print(round(coefs0[7:11], digits = 2))

Produced output

   period     rate   |    Mod     Arg  |     Re        Im
    5.972   0.004238 |  1.00425   1.05 |  0.49781   0.87218
   -5.972   0.004238 |  1.00425  -1.05 |  0.49781  -0.87218
    2.388   0.001744 |  1.00175   2.63 | -0.87403   0.48945
   -2.388   0.001744 |  1.00175  -2.63 | -0.87403  -0.48945
    4.000   0.000359 |  1.00036   1.57 | -0.00008   1.00036
   -4.000   0.000359 |  1.00036  -1.57 | -0.00008  -1.00036
      Inf  -0.003318 |  0.99669   0.00 |  0.99669   0.00000
   12.006  -0.005931 |  0.99409   0.52 |  0.86104   0.49680
  -12.006  -0.005931 |  0.99409  -0.52 |  0.86104  -0.49680
    3.015  -0.011285 |  0.98878   2.08 | -0.48570   0.86127
   -3.015  -0.011285 |  0.98878  -2.08 | -0.48570  -0.86127
     X1      X2      X3      X4      X5      X6 
3969.23 -717.10 -927.57  105.52  137.98 -287.11 
     X7      X8      X9     X10     X11 
 215.64 -254.51 -205.12   90.44   10.95 

Fragment 3.5.10 (‘FORT’: Estimation of parameters by Cadzow iterations)

#Estimation by means of the limit of Cadzow iterations
parc <- parestimate(sc, groups = list(1:rank), 
                    method = "esprit")
oc <- order(abs(parc$periods), decreasing = TRUE)
periodsc <- (parc$periods[oc])
modulic <- parc$moduli[oc]
lenc <- rank
varsc <- matrix(nrow = lenc, ncol = rank)
for (i in 1:rank) {
  if (periodsc[i] == Inf)
    varsc[, i] <- modulic[i]^(1:lenc)
  else if (periodsc[i] == 2)
    varsc[, i] <- (-modulic[i])^(1:lenc)
  else if (periodsc[i] > 0)
    varsc[, i] <- 
      modulic[i]^(1:lenc) * sin(2 * pi * (1:lenc) / periodsc[i])
    varsc[, i] <- 
      modulic[i]^(1:lenc) * cos(2 * pi * (1:lenc) / periodsc[i])
lm.c <- lm(rc[1:lenc] ~ 0 + ., data = data.frame(varsc))
coefs.c <- coef(lm.c)
print(round(coefs.c[1:6], digits = 2))
print(round(coefs.c[7:11], digits = 2))

Produced output

   period     rate   |    Mod     Arg  |     Re        Im
    5.975   0.004986 |  1.00500   1.05 |  0.49863   0.87258
   -5.975   0.004986 |  1.00500  -1.05 |  0.49863  -0.87258
    2.389   0.003402 |  1.00341   2.63 | -0.87506   0.49102
   -2.389   0.003402 |  1.00341  -2.63 | -0.87506  -0.49102
    3.998   0.000311 |  1.00031   1.57 | -0.00076   1.00031
   -3.998   0.000311 |  1.00031  -1.57 | -0.00076  -1.00031
      Inf  -0.003356 |  0.99665   0.00 |  0.99665   0.00000
   12.009  -0.005985 |  0.99403   0.52 |  0.86105   0.49669
  -12.009  -0.005985 |  0.99403  -0.52 |  0.86105  -0.49669
    3.018  -0.010620 |  0.98944   2.08 | -0.48394   0.86301
   -3.018  -0.010620 |  0.98944  -2.08 | -0.48394  -0.86301
     X1      X2      X3      X4      X5      X6 
4005.56 -721.77 -940.64   68.30  184.45 -269.52 
     X7      X8      X9     X10     X11 
 325.92 -251.10 -255.41  154.28   61.90 

Fragment 3.5.11 (‘FORT’: Estimation of parametric real-valued form)

idx <- seq(2, 11, 2)
coefs.c.phase <- numeric(length(idx))
phases.c <- numeric(length(idx))
periods.c.phase <- numeric(length(idx))
moduli.c.phase <- numeric(length(idx))
for (i in seq_along(idx)) {
  periods.c.phase[i] <- periodsc[idx[i]]
  moduli.c.phase[i] <- modulic[idx[i]]
  coefs.c.phase[i] <- sqrt(coefs.c[idx[i]]^2 + 
                             coefs.c[idx[i] + 1]^2)
  phases.c[i] <- atan2(coefs.c[idx[i] + 1], coefs.c[idx[i]])
print("coefficient * modulus^n")
print(data.frame(coefficients = coefs.c[1], 
                 moduli = modulic[1]))  
print("coefficient * modulus^n * cos(2 * pi* n/period + phase)")
print(data.frame(periods = periods.c.phase, phases = phases.c, 
                 coefficients = coefs.c.phase, 
                 moduli = moduli.c.phase))  

Produced output

[1] "trend:"
[1] "coefficient * modulus^n"
   coefficients    moduli
X1     4005.561 0.9966493
[1] "periodics:"
[1] "coefficient * modulus^n * cos(2 * pi* n/period + phase)"
    periods    phases coefficients    moduli
1 12.008804 -2.225294    1185.6458 0.9940328
2  5.974637  1.216171     196.6835 1.0049988
3  3.998061  2.261753     422.9253 1.0003111
4  3.018060 -2.347688     358.1681 0.9894363
5  2.388825  0.381569     166.2372 1.0034081

Fragment 3.5.12 (‘Sunspots’: Subspace tracking)

data("sunspot2", package = "ssabook")
s <- ssa(sunspot2, L = 11)
r <- reconstruct(s, groups = list(Trend = 1))
plot(r, plot.method = "xyplot", superpose = TRUE)
sun.oscill <- residuals(r)
N <- length(sun.oscill)
rank <- 2
periods <- function(M, L) {
  ts(sapply(1:(N - M),
            function (i) {
              s <- ssa(sun.oscill[i:(i + M - 1)], L = L)
              par <- parestimate(s, groups = list(c(1:rank)), 
                                 method = "esprit")
     start = time(sunspot2)[M + 1], delta = 1)
per22 <- periods(22, 11)
per44 <- periods(44, 22)
xyplot(cbind(per22, per44), type = "l", xlim = c(1677, 2040),
       strip = strip.custom(factor.levels = 
                              c("B = 22", "B = 44")))
M <- 22; L <- M / 2
hm <- hmatr(sun.oscill, B = M, T = M, L = L, neig = rank)
M <- 44; L <- M / 2
hm <- hmatr(sun.oscill, B = M, T = M, L = L, neig = rank)

Produced output

Trend Tracking ‘Sunspots’: Trend extraction (top), subspace tracking of residuals with B=22 (middle) and B=44 (bottom).

Hmat Hmat
'Sunspots': Heterogeneity matrices B=22 (left) and B=44 (right).

Fragment 3.5.13 (Functions for the search of optimal parameters)

forecast.mse <- function(x, F.check,
                         forecast.len = 1, ...) {
  stopifnot(length(F.check) == forecast.len)
  f <- forecast(x, h = forecast.len, ...)
  mean((f$mean - F.check)^2)
forecast.sliding.mse <- function(F,
                              L, ncomp,
                              forecast.len = 1, 
                              K.sliding = N %/% 4,
                              .progress = "none", 
                              .parallel = FALSE,
                              ...) {
  N <- length(F)
  sliding.len <- N - K.sliding - forecast.len + 1
  L.max = max(L); L.min = min(L); ncomp.max = max(ncomp)
  stopifnot(sliding.len > L.max)
  stopifnot(ncomp.max + 1 < min(L.min, N - L.max + 1))
  g <- expand.grid(L = L, i = 1:K.sliding)
  aaply(g, 1,
        splat(function(L, i) {
            F.train <- F[seq(from = i, len = sliding.len)]
            F.check <- F[seq(from = sliding.len + i, 
                             len = forecast.len)]
            s <- ssa(F.train, L = L)
                   function(ncomp) {
                       res <- forecast.mse(s, F.check,
                                           forecast.len = 
                                           groups = 
                       names(res) <- as.character(ncomp)
        .progress = .progress, .parallel = .parallel)
optim.par <- function(m0) {
  m <- apply(m0, c(1, 3), mean)
  mpos <- which(m == min(m), arr.ind = TRUE)
  L.opt <- Ls[mpos[1]]
  ncomp.opt <- ncomp[mpos[2]]
  list(L.opt = L.opt, ncomp.opt = ncomp.opt, m = m)

Fragment 3.5.14 (‘Bookings’: Search for optimal parameters)

data("bookings", package = "ssabook")
K.sliding <- 2
forecast.base.len <- 2*frequency(bookings)
base.len <- length(bookings)
sliding.len <- base.len - K.sliding - forecast.base.len + 1
ncomp <- 1:100
L.min <- frequency(bookings)
Ls <- seq(L.min, 10*L.min, by = frequency(bookings))
m0 <- forecast.sliding.mse(bookings,
                           K.sliding = K.sliding,
                           L = Ls, ncomp = ncomp,
                           method = "recurrent",
                           forecast.len = forecast.base.len,  
                           .progress = "none")
p <- optim.par(m0)
print(c(p$L.opt, p$ncomp.opt, sqrt(min(p$m))))
matplot(Ls, sqrt(p$m), ylab = "", xlab = "Window lengths",
        type = "l", col = topo.colors(100))

Produced output

RMSE ‘Bookings’: Dependence of RMSE on L for different numbers of components.

Fragment 3.5.15 (‘Bookings’: Forecast with optimal parameters)

forecast.len <- 2*frequency(bookings)
ssa.obj <- ssa(bookings, L = p$L.opt)
ssa.for <- rforecast(ssa.obj, groups = list(1:p$ncomp.opt),
                     len = forecast.len)
xyplot(cbind(bookings, ssa.for), 
       type = "l", superpose = TRUE)
xyplot(cbind(bookings, ssa.for), type = "l", 
       superpose = TRUE, xlim = c(21,29))

Produced output

Forecst ‘Bookings’: Forecast with optimal parameters.

Forecst ‘Bookings’: Forecast with optimal parameters for last points.

Fragments 3.5.16 (‘Sweetwhite’: training and test periods) and 3.5.17 (‘Sweetwhite’: Search for SSA parameters)

name <- "Sweetwhite"
wine <- window(AustralianWine, end = time(AustralianWine)[174])
series <- wine[, name]
forecast.len <- 12
base.len <- length(series) - forecast.len
F.base <- window(series, 
                 end = time(series)[base.len]) # training <- window(series,
                start = time(series)[base.len + 1]) # test
K.sliding <- 12
forecast.base.len <- 2
ns <- base.len - K.sliding - forecast.base.len + 1
ncomp <- 1:15
L.min <- 24
Ls <- seq(L.min, ns - L.min, by = 12)
method <- "recurrent"
m0 <- forecast.sliding.mse(F.base, K.sliding = K.sliding,
                           L = Ls, ncomp = ncomp,
                           method = method,
                           forecast.len = forecast.base.len)
p <- optim.par(m0)
print(c(p$L.opt, p$ncomp.opt, sqrt(min(p$m))))
#these parameters provides the best forecast
#L.opt <- 132; ncomp.opt <- 13

Fragment 3.5.18 (‘Sweetwhite’: Comparison of SSA, ARIMA and ETS)

# SSA forecast
F.base.short <- 
  window(F.base, start = 
           time(series)[K.sliding + forecast.base.len])
ssa.obj <- ssa(F.base.short, L = p$L.opt)
ssa.for <- forecast(ssa.obj,
                    groups = list(1:p$ncomp.opt),
                    method = method, h = forecast.len,
                    interval = "prediction",
                    level=c(0.8, 0.95))
err.ssa <- (ssa.for$mean -^2
#ARIMA forecast <- auto.arima(F.base, trace = FALSE,
                         lambda = 0, stepwise = FALSE)
sarima.for <- forecast(, h = forecast.len)
err.sarima <- (sarima.for$mean -^2
#ETS forecast <- ets(F.base)
ets.for <- forecast(, h = forecast.len)
err.ets <- (ets.for$mean -^2
print(c("SSA(L,r)", p$L.opt, p$ncomp.opt))
#RMSE for test periods
print(c("ssa", sqrt(mean(err.ssa))))
print(c("sarima", sqrt(mean(err.sarima))))
print(c("ets", sqrt(mean(err.ets))))
#plot of forecasts with confidence intervals
plot(ets.for); lines(series,col="black");
plot(sarima.for); lines(series,col="black");
plot(ssa.for); lines(series,col="black");

Produced output

Series: F.base 
Box Cox transformation: lambda= 0 

          ar1    sar1    sar2
      -0.4165  0.4847  0.2123
s.e.   0.0722  0.0765  0.0813

sigma^2 estimated as 0.03897:  log likelihood=30.78
AIC=-53.55   AICc=-53.29   BIC=-41.22

 ets(y = F.base) 

  Smoothing parameters:
    alpha = 0.5571 
    gamma = 1e-04 

  Initial states:
    l = 123.5798 
    s=1.4262 1.2408 1.0236 1.0546 1.1188 1.0852
           0.7795 0.8136 0.8903 0.8834 0.8241 0.8598

  sigma:  0.1732

     AIC     AICc      BIC 
2026.600 2029.887 2072.913 
[1] "SSA(L,r)" "108"      "8"       
[1] "ssa"              "55.3572366330605"
[1] "sarima"           "60.1534718580799"
[1] "ets"              "54.2338009066311"

ETS ‘Sweetwhite’: ETS forecast with optimal parameters.

ETS ‘Sweetwhite’: ARIMA forecast with optimal parameters.

ETS ‘Sweetwhite’: SSA forecast with optimal parameters.